Numurkah & Wunghnu
150th Anniversary - 2025
Designed by local business, Ink Squirrel, the logo is a representation of ideas collated from drawings completed by local school students in 2023. The design depicts: our two local creeks (Broken & Nine Mile), the early bush & scrubland, early farming of the land (especially wheat), and the very important coming of the railway in 1881. A reference to indigenous art in the logo acknowledges that the land was settled many years prior to the proclamation of the two towns in 1875, by the Bangerang clan.
Updates / Reminders Section......
11-12-2024: Tickets and details have been released for the Rotary-sponsored 150th Dinner at the Shamrock Hotel on Saturday evening, February 8th 2025. Bookings for table groups and individual seating are selling fast already.
25-01-2025: Here's the latest information about the upcoming Numurkah / Wunghnu celebrations on February 8th & 9th, 2025. Please email us if you need further information.